4 programs for 'endoscope usb aoleca camera drivers for mac'. Now you can explore your whole system in an instant. Check the health of your entire system at a glance with traffic light colors based on alerts. Then filter by hosts, services, containers, and more to quickly understand your system’s health and performance. We have tested our microscope with many Linux distros utilizing either the Cheese app or GTK+ UVC Viewer. These can either be installed by searching by app name through the app store in your Linux distro (if available), or by using the following terminal commands. GTK+ UVC Viewer. Sudo apt-get install guvcview. Sudo apt-get install cheese.
Download Manual
Here is the user manual pdf download for the DBPOWER waterproof inspection camera.

Usb Endoscope Driver For Mac Download

Usb Endoscope Driver For Mac Os
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Details from the user manual
Waterproof USB wire CAM
HD 720P
LED switch Adjustable lightness switch
Usb Endoscope Driver Download For Mac

1.The USB Endoscope can be inspected the hard-to-reach or hard-to-see areas. 2.The outer diameter of the Endoscope camera is only 10mm.
3.High resolution 2.0MP with 1/6 CMOS camera.
4.Built-in 6 LED lights in the len for inspecting in the dark environment. 5.USB2.0 interface.
6.Can be used on PC or Laptops, don’t support Tablet PC.
7.Support the Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Function items Spec Description
Samera 1/6″ COMS
Pixel 2.0 Mega Pixels
Resolutions 1600×1200,1280×720, 640×480,352×288…
Capture Resolution Up to 1600X1200
LED Light 6 pcs Adjustable
Brightness Auto
Exposed control Auto
FIN O 2.8
Camera housing diameter lO mm
Wide visual view angle 30°
1. Inserting the CD to the CD-ROM of your computer for installing the ViewPlayCap ‘
successfully, then you can find the ViewPlayCap icon m on the desktop.
2. Connecting the USB Endoscope with your computer’s USB interface, It needs longer
time for the first time.
3. Double-click the ViewPlayCap icon m on the desktop and appear the display window as below. If no image on the display window, click “Device” and select “USB video device”, then you can see the image.
4. The LED lights’ brightness can be adjusted by the
LED adjuster on the USB Repeater;
5. Capture images: Click the icon ~ in the displaywindow.
the pictures will be stored in the pictures favodtes or set up the picture path again as need. You can find the pictures as fallowing way directly: View>Open My Pictures.
6. Video capture: Click “file” option. Select “set capture file”. Setting the file name and location and saving the video, click “Open” to save. Setting up the capture file size, click “OK”; Click “Capture” and Setting up the time limit, thee press “OK”.
Product Features
Usb Endoscope Camera Driver Mac
Super Hi-Vision–2 Million Pixels CMOS camera
• The flexible camera is waterproof with 8.5mm diameter so that you can inspect area under water, gaps and holes.
• Capture snapshot image or video with 800*600,1024*768,1280*720,600*1200 resolutions.
• 5M Cable length, Silver camera head, updated version. With accessories of mirror, small hook and Magnet tools.
• Free replacement and after sale service available, please buy with confidence.