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Table of Contents
Osmium is a versatile command line tool forworking with OpenStreetMap data. It includes many useful functions formanipulating OSM data and often outperforms similar tools. This manual willintroduce the tool, give a general overview and describe some use cases. Forthe nitty gritty detail consult the manualpages.
Osmium is Open Source and available under the GNU General Public License.It works and is regularly tested on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Osmium is based on the C++ library libosmiumand it gets most of its functionality from it. If the command line tool doesn’tdo something you need, have a look at the library. Maybe you can use it tocreate a program that does what you want.
This manual is intended as an easy to read introduction. It is not complete.Please refer to the manpages for acomplete reference.
From source
You can download thelatest release orinstall the current master from GitHub:
Follow the build and installation instructions in theREADME.
Debian and Ubuntu
Packages called osmium-tool
are available for Debian and Ubuntu systems.(Do not install the osmium
package, it is a very old version of the Osmiumlibrary.) Depending on your system, the packages might be rather old. Debianunstable and testing are tracking the development of Osmium closely. ForDebian Stable those new packages are available in thebackports repository.
Packages for several Fedora versionsare available.
Packages can be installed from AUR:osmium-tool
The starting point for everything is the osmium
command. All thefunctionality of Osmium is available via this one command and its“subcommands”, similar to how the git
command works for instance. Justcalling
will give you a list of subcommands. Use
to get a short description about a subcommand’s options. Use
to display the manual page explaining all the details. If Osmium is installedcorrectly on your system, you can also get those manpages using the usual man
The manpages are also available on the web.
Before you can do anything with an OSM file you’ll often want to know what’s inthat file. To find out run
Say you downloaded an extract of the tiny country ofLiechtenstein(it is always good to start your experiments with a small extract)from Geofabrikand want to know what’s in it:
This will show you something like the following:
The File
section contains the information gleaned from the file system,the Header
section contains, as the name implies, the information from thefile header. To get some more detail use the -e
or --extended
In this case the whole file will be read, which will take more time. But itgives you a lot more information:
Sometimes your are only interested in a specific piece of information from thislist. Use the -g
, --get
option to ask for it. For instance to get the lasttimestamp used:
This will result in just the timestamp:
This format makes it easy to use the output in other shell commands. To put theCRC32 checkum into the checksum
shell variable you can use the followingcommand, for instance:
Of course you might also want to look at the contents of the file. For a quicklook, use the show
This will show the contents of the file in the debug format (more on thedifferent formats below) using your favourite pager (less
by default):
This debug format is intended to be easy to read, on terminals that supportit, colors make it even easier. But you can change the output format to anyformat supported by Osmium.
Osmium supports all popular OSM file formats (and some more): XML, PBF,O5M/O5C, OPL, and the already mentioned debug format. Some formats canonly be read or only be written. See theosmium-file-formatsman page for details. All the text-based formats can be automatically(de)compressed if they use the gzip
or bzip2
Often you need to convert OSM data files from one format to another. Thisis easily done with the osmium cat
command. To convert the LiechtensteinPBF file into XML format compressed with bzip2
, use this command:
Osmium will automatically detect the file format based on the file name.Usually it will do what you want, but you can force the file format withthe command line options -f
(for the output file) and -F
for the inputfile. This is useful when reading from STDIN or writing to STDOUT:
The format for the -f
and -F
options is simply the suffix you would usuallyuse for an OSM file (here osm
). It also works with pbf
(or osm.pbf
Most file formats have special options to change the details of the fileformat. You can set those special options with the same command line options.For instance, if you want a bz2ip-compressed XML file without metadata usethis:
The output file will not have the version
, timestamp
, etc. fields and soit is much more compact than the usual XML format.
As you can see, you can add the options to the format separated by commas,multiple options are possible. Some options are available for several or allformats (add_metadata
for instance), others are specific to one of theformats, pbf_dense_nodes
for instance only works on the PBF format. Notethat unknown options are silently ignored, so if you mistype an option, youwill not get an error message!
See theosmium-file-formatsman page for all the details. Btw: all these file formats and options areimplemented in the libosmium library, so mostlibosmium-based programs will understand them in the same fashion.
While playing around with the command you might have noticed an errormessage like Open failed for 'output.osm.bz2': File exists
. By defaultOsmium will not overwrite an existing file. This is a safety measure tokeep you from accidentally deleting that 60GB planet file, that took youall day to download. With the -O
or --overwrite
option you can disablethis check.
The osmium cat
command can do more: Just like the shell cat
command, itcan take several input files and it will concatenate them to generate theoutput. In fact that’s where the name (con”cat”enate) comes from. Its abilityto convert from one file format to another is only a side-effect really, mostOsmium subcommands can read and write OSM files in any format and support thesame -f
and -F
options. Note that this command will really justconcatenate its inputs and not sort them in any way. This might or might notbe what you want.
There is one additional option of the osmium cat
command that often comeshandy. With -t TYPE
it can be instructed to only copy objects of the giventype. So
will only copy the nodes, not the ways, or relations.
Most Osmium commands support the -v
or --verbose
command line option toenable verbose mode. Osmium will then display information about its commandline parameters and about what it is doing to STDERR.
Each line of the output is started with the elapsed time in minutes andseconds. This is especially useful when Osmium is run in scripts and theoutput is logged, you can immediately see where the time went.
In verbose mode, most Osmium commands will also display the memory used. Thisis handy because Osmium command often need a lot of memory to efficiently dotheir job. There is also a MEMORY
section in each of the man pages thattells you about memory use of this particular command.
Sometimes you have the ID of a node, way or relation (or a bunch of IDs) andwant to get the objects with those IDs from a file. That’s what the getid
command is for. The following command will get the nodes 17 and 18, the way42, and the relation 3 out of the file:
As you can see the IDs are written with a one-letter prefix denoting the type.IDs without this prefix are understood to be node IDs (but this can be changedwith the --default-type
If you have more than a few IDs you can put them into a file, one ID per lineand use the -i
option to read them from that file:
Empty lines and everything after a space or hash (#) sign is ignored. And youcan read from STDIN. So this command
will find the relation with the ID 123 in input.osm.pbf
and output it toSTDOUT in debug format.
Often you need not only the OSM objects with the given IDs but also allobjects referenced by those objects. So for ways you need the nodes in itand for relations the members. Use the -r
or --add-referenced
option toadd them to the output:
The output will contain first all nodes references by way 222 and then theway. The getid
command will read the input file up to three times tofollow all the references. Output will be sorted in the usual fashion: firstnodes ordered by ID, then ways, then relations.
A full planet dump is referentially complete. All objects referenced by otherobjects are in the file. So if a relation has a member way 123, then this waywill also be in the file. This is not always true for geographical extracts orother partial OSM files.
This often leads to confusion. Many programs that use OSM data will failin unexpected ways when something is missing in its input data. If you havea situation like this you can use the check-refs
command to find out whetheryour OSM file is referentially complete:
This command will check that all nodes referenced in the ways are in the inputfile. If you want to check relation members, too, use the -r
There is often the need to create a geographical extract of OSM data that onlycontains the data for a specific region. Instead of working with the hugeamount of data for the whole planet, further work can then be done with muchless data.
Creating an extract
Osmium can create such an extract with the osmium extract
command. Here is asimple example that will cut (from the file called france.pbf
) everythinginside the given bounding box, in this case the city of Paris roughly insidethe ring road and write it out into the file paris.pbf
If you happen to have a polygon describing Paris, you can use it instead:
This assumes you have the polygon in GeoJSON format inthe file paris-polygon.geojson
. Osmium also understands the POLY
format,a text-based format popularized first by Osmosis and sometimes used in the OSMworld to specify such polygons:
Osmium can also read an OSM file with a (multi)polygon in it that specifiesthe area to cut out. If you know the relation ID of such a multipolygon, youcan download it from the OSM server using a URL such as this:
For Paris this could be
(This will not always work, see below on how to fix this.)
This works well for smaller multipolygons (such as city boundaries), but forvery large multipolygons (such as a whole country) chances are you’ll get atimeout from the API. If you have an OSM file lying around that contains theboundary, you can use osmium to get the relation and all the nodes and waysused in that relation:
The options are important here: -r
makes sure you get all the members ofthe relation and all the nodes in the member ways. -t
removes the tags fromall objects except the relation 7444 itself. This way only the relation itselfis turned into a (multi)polygon and not other relations or closed ways thathappen to be in the data.
(If you have problems with relations downloaded from the API, the solutionis the same. Run the mentioned osmium getid
command on them.)
And now you can create the extract:
Creating multiple extracts in one go
Often you want to create several extracts from the same source, say one extractfor each département (administrative division) in France. For the 101départments in France, this would mean you have to read the input filethat many times. Fortunately there is another way: You can specify the extractsyou want to create in a config file and then osmium can do all extracts in onego:
Note that this time no output file was named on the command line. Instead theoutput file names are specified in the config file. The config file (heredepartments.json
) is in JSON format and looks something like this:
The directory
names the common output directory (use --directory
or -d
on the command line to overwrite this). And each member of the extracts
array specifies one extract to create. Just as on the command line you canspecify the extract by bounding box or polygon (using any of the supportedfile formats). There are several ways to specify all the details. See theosmium-extract(1)
manpage and theexampleconfigfor the details.

Extract strategies

Osmium offers three different strategies governing how the extract shouldbe created. Their results are different, more or less OSM objects will beincluded in the output. They also differ in memory consumption and how oftenthey will read the input file.
Strategy: simple
When using the simple strategy, all nodes inside the specified region areincluded and all nodes that are outside the region are not included. All waysthat have at least one node inside the region are included, but they might bemissing some nodes, they are not reference-complete. Only relations that havea node or way that is already in the extract are included. Relations are notreference-complete.
For the simple strategy the input file is only read once. This is the onlystrategy that will work if the input is read from STDIN or the output writtento stdout.
Strategy: complete_ways
When using the complete_ways strategy, all nodes inside the specified regionas well as all nodes used by ways that are partially inside the specifiedregion will be in the output. All ways in the output will always bereference-complete (if they were reference-complete in the input). So in theexample image the red, green, and cyan ways will be in the output with alltheir nodes. The blue way is not in the output, because none of its nodes is inthe region, even though the beginning and end nodes will be in the output.All relations that have any already included nodes or ways are in the outputas well as any of their parent relations and so on. Relations are notreference-complete.
For the complete_ways strategy the input file is read twice.
For the complete_ways strategy is the only strategy that can be used onhistory files, too. You have to add the --with-history
option for this towork. All objects that have at least one version in the output, will be inthe output with all their versions. So if a node moved from inside the regionto outside, all versions of this node will be in the output as well as allways referencing this node and so on.
Strategy: smart
When using the smart strategy, everything is done as in the complete_waysstrategy, but multipolygon relations that have at least one node in theregion will also be completely included. You can see this in the example image:If a multipolygon relation ties the red, green, and blue ways together, theblue way and all its nodes will be included.
By default this only works for relations tagged type=multipolygon
, becausethis is what is needed most often. A lake or forest crossing the boundary ofyour region will be in the extract completely. But a boundary for instancewill not be, otherwise you might get a huge boundary around a whole country inyour extract when all you wanted was a small area at the border. You can changethis behaviour with the -S
or --option
option. If you want all relationtypes, use -S types=any
, if you only want particular types, specify them likethis: -S types=multipolygon,route
For the smart strategy the input file is read three times.
Performance and memory use
If you are trying to cut out all 101 départments from France, you’ll mostlikely run into difficulties, because this will need a huge amount of memory.Osmium has to keep track of all the IDs of all nodes, ways, and relations itneeds for each extract. It depends on the strategy used, but you’ll needbetween 1 and 2 GByte RAM for each extract. You can solve this by runningosmium extract
several times, each time cutting out smaller and smallerareas. In our example here it might make sense to extract in a first roundeach of the regions of France and then have one round per region cutting itinto the smaller départments.
There is a (small) difference in the performance between cutting out bybounding box and by polygon. It is fastest to extract using a bounding box, forpolygons the performance depends on how detailed the polygon is. But unlikesome other tools that don’t work well with very detailed polygons, this hasonly a relatively small effect in Osmium. But if you want to do your extractsoften, check the performance of different strategies and region specificationsand find out what works best for you.
We are often interested in only a subset of the OSM data, maybe only the roads(if we want to do navigation on them), or all restaurants, or everything thatis some kind of forest.
Osmium supports this through the tags-filter
command. For example to geteverything in Rome that’s a road, you could use something like:
The w/highway
tells Osmium that we are looking for all ways that have a tagwith key highway
. If we want to look for more specific road types, we cando that, too, with something like w/highway=primary
. Finding all the primaryroads would look like this:
You can filter by several expressions at the same time, so finding everythingthat’s tagged as some kind of wooded area is easy:
The first positional parameter after tags-filter
is always an OSM file, allthe following ones are filter expressions. Filter expressions start with thetype or types of objects we want to filter (n
for nodes, w
for ways, andr
for relations) and than something describing the key and optionally thevalue of a tag. So this will find all nodes tagged as restaurant:
But POIs can also be mapped as area, so we really have to look for the waysand relations, too:
This can be shortend to just
Also allowed are lists of values:
This also works in keys:
Or you can exclude a specific value:
This will find all relations that have a type
key with a value that’s notmultipolygon
and not route
An asterisk at the end signals that this should be a prefix check. Everythingwith a tag starting with addr:
can be found this way:
An asterisk at the beginning turns this into a substring search:
will find any nodes or ways that have the word school
in their name. Osmiumalways uses a case-sensitive search, so you might have to use something likethis to get everything:
Note that in all these cases you will get the full objects back. Osmium is notremoving tags from objects, it is only filtering complete objects from theinput based on those tags.
Osmium will automatically add all nodes referenced by the ways it found and allmembers referenced by the relations it found. If you don’t want this, you canuse the --omit-referenced
or -R
option. So
will find only the ways named with something starting with Via
, but will notinclude the nodes needed to draw those ways on a map.
Sometimes it is useful to filter the other way around. Let’s say you want towork with some OSM data, but don’t know yet what tags you need exactly. Butyou do know that you are definitely not interested in buildings. Then you canuse the --invert-match
or -i
option to invert the sense of your match:
As always, you can find all the details in the manpage
Osmium can not only work with normal OSM data files, but also with historyfiles. History files look more or less like normal OSM data files, but theycan contain several versions of the same object. The full history planetdump contains all versions of allobjects that ever existed in the OSM data.
Most programs using OSM data expect object IDs to be unique, so they can notwork with history data. The same is true for some Osmium subcommands. Butwherever it is possible and makes sense, Osmium also supports history files.Often they will just work, sometimes you need special command line options.
Commands that “just work” are cat
, fileinfo
, show
, sort
. They will dowhat you expect. The apply-changes
and extract
commands have an option--with-history
that makes them work with history files.
One command is only useful for history files: time-filter
. It is used tofilter objects from a history file based on time. To get all objects visibleat a point in time use a command line like this:
The output is a normal OSM data file containing the data as it would havelooked at the start of the year 2015 (UTC time as always with OSM).
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While OSM data files contain the OSM data of a specific point in time andOSM history files contain all the data that is now and ever was in the data,an OSM change file contains the data that changed between two points intime. Those change files (usually with the suffix .osc
or .osc.gz
) can be used to update an OSM file or OSM database from an earlierstate to a later state.
Osmium has commands to deal with those change files. Most often you will usethe apply-changes
command which applies one or more change files to a datafile:
You can give as many change files as you want on the command line and in anyorder. All changes will be read into memory and sorted before they are appliedto the data file. If you have a lot of change files, it might be better toapply them one bunch at a time so this will not use too much memory.
The same command also works with history files:
Note the .osh
file suffix which tells Osmium that you want your history fileupdated. Sometimes history files are named .osm
. In this case you can forcehistory mode with a command line option:
Sometimes you don’t want to apply changes to an OSM file, but to a databaseor so. For instance when you are upgrading a osm2pgsql
rendering database.If you have a lot of change files, it is often better to merge them into onelarger change file and then use that one to do the database import. Merging isdone with
The --simplify
option usually makes sense: If an object changed multipletimes, all intermediate versions will be removed and only the last versionremains.
Osmium can also do the reverse: Create a change file from two OSM data files.This is done with derive-changes
There is another command that, on the surface, appears to be similar toderive-changes
but serves a totally different purpose, the diff
command.The diff
commands allow you to see the difference between any two OSM filesin various formats. It compares all details of all OSM objects, so it will,for instance, detect if there is an object with the same type, id, and version,but different timestamp. This is different from the derive-changes
commandwhich will only look at the object type, id, and version to do its work.
The difference in behaviour comes from the different intended uses. Thederive-changes
command is only used to, well, derive a change file fromtwo OSM files. Those OSM files must be snapshots of the OSM database or someextracts from different points in time. The diff
command, on the other hand,can be used to check any two OSM files. This is useful for instance fordevelopers who want to compare the output of two different versions of thesame program creating some kind of OSM file.
Osmium can not only handle OSM objects (nodes, ways, and relations), but alsoOSM changesets. Those changesets are also stored in files with the suffix.osm
, which can make things somewhat confusing. Some Osmium commands willjust work on changeset files: osmium fileinfo
, osmium show
, andosmium cat
. Others don’t make any sense with changeset files, likeapply-changes
Unlike OSM data files for which several formats are available (XML, PBF,O5M, …) changesets always come in XML format which is much slower to workwith than the binary formats.
There is one command specifically for changeset files: changeset-filter
.You can use it to select changesets from a file. If you want to get allchangesets by user “Einstein”, for instance, you’d use this command:
Have a look in theman pageto see the other options available. You can also combine several of them toonly get those changesets matching all criteria.
Changesets can also be written out into the OPL format which can be processedeasily with standard unix command line tools. Say you have a list of user namesand want to find all changesets in January 2015 by any of those users. You canfirst use changeset-filter
to filter out the time window and then use grep
to check for those users:
This way you can use the fast, but not very flexible filtering options of thechangeset-filter
command together with slower, but more flexible filteringusing unix command line tools or scripting languages.
OSM files are usually sorted in a specific way: First the nodes ordered byID, then ways ordered by ID, then relations ordered by ID. But this is notnecessarily so. osmium fileinfo
will tell you if a file is sorted or not:
Many commands (Osmium or otherwise) only work correctly if the file is sorted.Sorting a file is easy:
Note that osmium sort
reads the contents of the input file into main memory.This will take roughly 10 times as much memory as the files take on disk in.osm.bz2 or osm.pbf format. So this command is only useful for smaller OSMfiles. See the --strategy
option in the manpage for a way ofsaving some memory.
Osmium sort
will work correctly on history and change files.
There is a command line completion configuration available for Zsh users. Thisallows comfortable command line completion of all Osmium commands includingcommand line options. If you have installed Osmium as a Debian package, itwill be installed for you. If you built and installed from sources, you needto install the file zsh_completion/_osmium
yourself, for instance in/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/
This chapter explains how to solve some common tasks with Osmium.
Filtering by tags in history files
The osmium tags-filter
command works well with normal OSM files, but itprobably will not do what you want with history files.
If you want to get all versions of all nodes where at least one version hasa specific tag, you can use tags-filter
together with getid
to do this:
The file filtered.osh.pbf
now contains the result, you can use time-filter
to get the data for specific points in time:
If you want to filter not only nodes, but ways or relations, you’ll need touse the --add-referenced
option on the getid
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