Lineage 2 Interlude Download
Lineage 2 Interlude Custom Interface Download
Lineage 2 Interlude Client / L2Raptor Patch |
INTERLUDE CLIENT: Mirror 1:Lineage2-Interlude_Client.rar (MEGA) L2RAPTOR PATCH: Mirror 1:RaptorPatch.rar (MEGA) OPTIONAL PATCHES: Mirror 1:Epic Boss Kills |
Dec 04, 2011 Author Topic: INTERLUDE Pre-Config Server L2jFree Rev:2746 (Read 25304 times). Put all patch files with replacement of already existing files in the folder with the installed clieng of Lineage 2 Interlude. Download patch PTS Download patch Java 4. The Server was created and structured for all players of the old l2 school, who want to play a PvP server like the gold times. The whole experience of the game was built around the heart of Lineage II, using all the crafts and retail mechanics and expanding then to new ones, so you can take everything you already know and add with our new techniques, and experience an expanded chronicle drawed. Here you can buy/trade/sell l2 custom packs and files for l2j and l2off servers.Use at your own risk. Mask for Lineage 2 interlude client) By. Greater CP Potion, CP Potion and Quick HP has 2 sec reuse. All commands available here: (.help) All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant. Enchants: Safe Enchant - 3 Max Enchant - 16 Normal Scroll chance - 60% Blessed Scroll chance - 60% and not. Custom interface for Interlude. By Athena-Project Client Mods. You can call it Dark Interface for Lineage 2 High Five, which means a dark (black) interface.

1. Download/Install Lineage 2 Interlude Client 2. Delete system file from Lineage II Folder(C:Program Files(x86)Lineage II) 3. Download/Extract L2Raptor Patch to Lineage II Folder(C:Program Files(x86)Lineage II) 4. Run L2.exe(C:Program Files(x86)Lineage IIsystem) *Accounts are Auto-Create(Carefully enter ID/PWD at Game Login) (THIS WILL BE YOUR PERMANENT ACCOUNT!) *IMPORTANT: PATCH FROM OTHER SERVERS WILL CORRUPT L2RAPTOR FILES! PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO L2RAPTOR SERVER? FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. UN-INSTALL LINEAGE 2 CLIENT(CONTROL PANEL > PROGRAMS/FEATURES) 2. GO TO C:Program Files(x86)Lineage II FOLDER AND DELETE ENTIRE LINEAGE II FOLDER 3. DOWNLOAD + INSTALL LINEAGE 2 INTERLUDE CLIENT 4. DOWNLOAD L2RAPTOR PATCH 5. EXTRACT L2RAPTOR PATCH TO C:Program Files(x86)Lineage II FOLDER |