Fileopen Plugin For Adobe

  1. Fileopen Plugin For Adobe Acrobat
  2. Fileopen Plugin For Adobe Acrobat

FileOpen Systems has released an updated plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and Reader on Windows. The Client, Build 0914, implements minor new functionality. The Client, Build 0914, implements minor new functionality. Also, I have sometimes seen issues where the plugin files are not copied to the Adobe Reader plugin folder, so I have created a script for this: x86: Dim WshShell. FileOpen Systems Inc. Is a global leader in document security and digital rights management (DRM). FileOpen enables businesses to protect, control and track documents across multiple operating systems, platforms and devices. Available as an on-premise software license or as a cloud-based subscription, FileOpen solutions provide strong security.

Fileopen Plugin For Adobe Acrobat

Frequently Asked Questions About the Pluginfor Adobe Reader

Q1. Why are Numerical Recipes and CUP now requiring the plugin?
Q2. Is the plugin safe? Does it contain spyware?
Q3. What does the plugin do? How does it work?
Q4. What information about me or my machine does theplugin send?
Q5. Does the plugin write anything to my machine?
Q6. Can I still save the files? print the files?
Q7. I'm getting pauses or 'Stopped' messages. Is this normal?
Q8. What if I am not connected to the web?
Q9. Can the FileOpen technology be defeated?
Q10. How do I install the plugin?
Q11. Where can I go for help?
Q12. Does the plugin work with Mac OSX? with Linux? with FreeBSD?with Solaris?
Q13. What if I pay for a subscription and then can't get the plugin to work?

Q1. Why are Numerical Recipes and Cambridge UniversityPress now requiring the plugin?
A1. We are building a unifiedinfrastructure that allows us to deliver all of the following: (i)free content that is in the public domain; (ii) content that iscopyrighted, but nevertheless free; and (iii) copyrighted content bysubscription. To do this in today's world we must satisfy authorsand publishers that their interests are not being completelydisregarded. Of course, we must also satisfy users that theinfrastructure is workable and efficient.

Q2. Is the plugin safe? Does it contain spyware?
A2. The plugin is developed by FileOpen Systems, Inc. NumericalRecipes Software is a licensee of the technology. FileOpen Systemshas been a licensed Adobe Security Partner since 1997. The FileOpenplugin runs only within Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and only inconnection with opening a FileOpen encrypted document. It contains nospyware or malware, leaves nothing running on your machine, andmakes no changes in your Windows registry or in system files.


Q3. What does the plugin do? How does it work?
A3. When you open a FileOpen encrypted document, either through yourweb browser or else a document already downloaded to your machine, theplugin exchanges a few dozen bytes with a web server, using the standardsecure web protocol (https or SSL on port 443). In the case of a freedocument, the exchange simply verifies that it is, in fact, free. Inthe case of a subscription document, it verifies that you are asubscriber. Generally, this exchange will occur only once every 30days for each document, and only when you actually open the document.

Q4. What information about me or my machine does theplugin send?
A4. The plugin sends an identifier of the file that you are opening,and an identifier of your machine that was randomly generated when theplugin was first used. No personal information about you or yourmachine is gathered or sent. Our server does not collect anythingthat associates your machine with your name, location, etc. Theinformation that we collect is the minimal information that allows us toadminister both free and subscription access in a unified way.

Q5. Does the plugin write anything to my machine?
A5. Yes. The plugin creates a directory and stores short (few kB)status files in it. For Windows, it is generally located at'C:Documents and Settings[your username]ApplicationDataFileOpen'. For Linux or Mac, it is generally located in yourhome directory as a subdirectory named '.fileopen'. You can deletethese directories whenever you want. Then, however, the plugin willdo web exchanges for every document opened (not just once in 30 days),and it might lose its memory of your machine's authorization for anypaid subscriptions that you have. However, it is not hard toreauthorize your machine, if necessary.

Q6. Can I still save the files? print the files?
A6. Yes. The files can be saved, printed, or moved around just likeany other PDF file. You'll need the plugin to be installed on anymachine on which you want to use them, however. In the case ofpaid subscriptions, the new machine will also need to be authorizedfor the subscription. This is easy to do.

Q7. I'm getting pauses or 'Stopped' messages. Is this normal?
A7. The first time you open a file, there may be a pause of severalseconds after the file is completely downloaded. This tends tobe most noticable when the download itself was slow, due to networkcongestion or a slow internet connection. During this pause time youmay see a blank (or, possibly, incompletely drawn) window, or themessage 'Stopped' or 'Done'. This is normal. When you subsequentlyopen the same file, either from the web or a downloaded copy, thereshould be little or no such delay. We are working on technologyimprovements that will further reduce any delays.

Q8. What if I am not connected to the web?
A8. If you open and save a document locally on your computer,then you'll be able to use that document for at least 30 dayswhether or not you are connected to the web. You can renew your30 days by reconnecting to the web and reopening the document.

Q9. Can the FileOpen technology be defeated?
A9. Yes, almost surely. We are not trying to win anyanti-hacker prizes. FileOpen is an ordinary, commercial productfor ordinary, commercial-level rights management. Defeatingit is merely dishonest, not heroic. You might just as well go intoa bookstore and steal a copy of the Numerical Recipes book.It is dishonest either way. If too many of our books are stolen, thenbookstores won't carry them. If too many Numerical Recipesfiles are circulated as 'warez', then our publishers will never allowus to do another electronic version, or even improve orcorrect the current one.

Q10. How do I install the plugin?
A10. See the installation instructions page.

Q11. Where can I go for help?
A11. If you are getting blank pages, or messages abouta missing plugin, then you don't have the plugin installed. If the installationinstructions page doesn't help, have a look at the Numerical RecipesForum under 'Plugin Problems'. Someone else might alreadyhave solved your problem, or you can post it there to get advicefrom us or another user.

Q12. Does the plugin work with Mac OSX? with Linux? with FreeBSD? with Solaris?
A12. Although we had a bit of a rocky start with Mac OSX (because ofnearly simultaneous changes in the OS and in Adobe's Reader),the plugin now works well with OSX 10.4 (Tiger) and later andAdobe Acrobat/Reader versions 7 and 8. New installation instructionsare here.The most seamless experience is with the Safari browser and AdobeReader 8 (which displays PDF in the browser window).

For Linux, some earlier versions of the plugin didnot work properly. That problem is now (hopefully) solved, and new installation instructionsare here.You'll need Adobe Reader 7 or later (free). The Firefox, Epiphany, and Operabrowsers can be configured to display PDF seamlessly in the browser window.The Konqueror browser displays PDF in an external window.

FileOpen Systems intends to support Solaris with a FileOpen plugin atsome future date, see their pluginpage. Regrettably there are no announced plans to supportFreeBSD. (Wizards: Do you think you could hack the Linux or Intel Mac OSXplugin to work with BSD?)

Fileopen Plugin For Adobe Acrobat

Q13. What if I pay for a subscription and then can't get the plugin to work?
A13. Don't do it! All of our subscription products have a 'try before you buy'feature that let's you install the product and try out sample sections BEFOREyou pay for a subscription. Be sure to try out this feature on ALL machines that youmight want to use for your subscription before paying! The most abbreviated 'try beforeyou buy' is: (1) install the plugin by followingthese instructions.(2) Verify that you can read thispage.