Create Dmg File On Linux

This will provide the necessary tool to work with Apple's HFS+ filesystem. Create the HFS+ file: Next you will create a 16MB dmg file and format it to HFS+ wih the following two command lines: dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/myapplication.dmg bs=1M count=16 status=progress mkfs.hfsplus -v Install /tmp/myapplication.dmg. Jun 10, 2019 Part 1: How to Convert.dmg to.iso on Linux (Ubuntu) The best thing about Linux is that you can complete a lot of tasks totally for free. All apps are distributed in open source license, meaning you don't need to pay a single peny to use the app. For example, create files licensede.txt and licenseen.txt in the build resources. If OS language is german, licensede.txt will be displayed. See map of language code to name. You can also change the default button labels of the DMG by passing a json file named licenseButtonsLANGCODE.json. The german file would be named: licenseButtonsde.

  1. Create Dmg File On Linux Using
  2. Create Dmg File On Linux Windows 10

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Nov 14, 2019 Linux Dmg File. May 16, 2018 On Ubuntu, you’d do: sudo apt-get install dmg2img. Using dmg2img isn’t very difficult. Type “dmg2img” into the command line followed by the name of the DMG file you want to decompress. The Mac OS X version of Firefox is a good example of a compressed DMG file. Hfs-test$ dmg2img 'Firefox 33.1.1.dmg' dmg2img. May 16, 2018 On Ubuntu, you’d do: sudo apt-get install dmg2img. Using dmg2img isn’t very difficult. Type “dmg2img” into the command line followed by the name of the DMG file you want to decompress. The Mac OS X version of Firefox is a good example of a compressed DMG file. Hfs-test$ dmg2img 'Firefox 33.1.1.dmg' dmg2img.

A disk image is a computer file containing the complete contents and structure of a data storage device.

The term has been generalized to cover any such file, whether taken from an actual physical storage device or not.

A common use of disk images is for remote distribution of software such as Linux distributions: installation CD/DVDs can be recorded as disk image files, transferred over the Internet, and the contents of the original disk(s) duplicated exactly by end users with their own CD/DVD drives. They are commonly used to distribute Live CDs.

Another common use is to provide virtual disk drive space to be used by SystemVirtualization. This can prevent the CD from getting burned or damaged. It can also reduce bulk when one wishes to carry the contents of the CD along with oneself: one can store disk images to a relatively lightweight and bootable storage device which has a higher storage capacity than that of a CD (i.e. a USB keydrive).



An ISO image (.iso) is an informal term for a disk image of an ISO 9660 FileSystem. More loosely, it refers to any optical disk image.

As is typical for disk images, in addition to the data files that are contained in the ISO image, it also contains all the filesystem metadata (Boot code, structures, and attributes). All of this information is contained in a single file. These properties make it an attractive alternative to physical data storage device for the distribution of software which requires this additional information as it is simple to retrieve over the Internet. It is commonly used fir the distribution of Linux and LiveCDs.

You can create, open and mount ISO images using CD and DVD applications. See ManipulatingISOs for info on manipulating ISO disk images.

ISO images have the MIME type application/x-iso-image

.bin / .raw / .img

.bin, .raw, or .img files are images extracted in pure RAW format.

For a CD, that is 2352 bytes sectors, the full CD sector content: user data, sector header, error correction codes (ECC) and error detection codes (EDC). Once again, each sector is converted to digital data in the .BIN file, but more stuff is copied and the resulting file will be bigger. The .BIN file should be 251,000 x 2352 = 590,352,000 bytes big. This process will copy ANYTHING on the disc, so it is useful for exotic discs (multiple tracks, mixed track type Audio+Data or Data+Audio) and for non-PC CDs (PSX, VCD, MAC).

This extension is also commonly used for hard disk images.


Sometimes .bin images come with a cue file, describing the layout of CD tracks.

You can burn a CD using the information from the cue file with cdrdao: cdrdao write --speed 4 --device 0,1,0 example.cue


A DMG file is an Apple Disk Image, a popular format on Mac OS X. It is widely used for software distribution means, and is actually the raw image of a HFS filesystem, that's why in Mac OS X it is mounted as a drive.

DMG disk images have the MIME type application/x-apple-diskimage

Create Dmg File On Linux Using

To create a .dmg image from a HFS formatted CD or hard drive partition: dd if='your input file' of=image.dmg

To mount a .dmg disk image to a directory, you need to install the hfsplus package, then mount it with mount -o loop -t hfs image.dmg /mnt/somewhere


.nrg is a Nero disk image.

You can mount it to a directory using: mount -o loop,offset=307200 imagename.nrg /mount-point

See also

  • CD and DVD applications

External links

  • Windows software: 7-zip and Infra recorder can be used to read and burn ISO images on Windows, respectively.


If you are not familiar with the concept of virtual hard drive volumes, sometimes called file containers, they are basically regular looking files that can be used by your computer as if they were real hard drives. So for example you could have a file called MyDrive.img on your computer and with a few quick actions it would appear as though you had just plugged in an external USB stick or hard drive into your computer. It acts just like a normal, physical, drive but whenever you copy anything to that location the copied files are actually being written to the MyDrive.img file behind the scenes. This is not unlike the dmg files you would find on a Mac or even something akin to TrueCrypt file containers.


Why would I want this?

There are a number of reasons why you may be interested in creating virtual volumes. From adding additional swap space to your computer (i.e. something similar to a page file on Windows without needing to create a new hard drive partition) to creating portable virtual disk drives to back up files to, or even just doing it because this is Linux and it’s kind of a neat thing to do.

What are the steps to creating a file container?

The process seems a bit strange but it’s actually really straight forward.

  1. Create a new file to hold the virtual drive volume(Optional) Initialize it by filling it with data
  2. Format the volume
  3. Mount the volume and use it

Create a new file to hold the virtual drive volume

There are probably a million different ways to do this but I think the most simple way is to run the following command from a terminal:

So let’s say you wanted to create a virtual volume in a file called MyDrive.img in the current directory with a size of 500MiB. You would simply run the following command:

You may notice that this command finishes almost instantly. That’s because while the system created a 500MiB file it didn’t actually write 500MiB worth of data to the file.

This is where the optional step of ‘initializing’ the file comes into play. To be clear you do not need to do this step at all but it can be good practice if you want to clean out the contents of the allocated space. For instance if you wanted to prevent someone from easily noticing when you write data to that file you may pre-fill the space with random data to make it more difficult to see or you may simply want to zero out that part of the hard drive first.

Anyway if you choose to pre-fill the file with data the easiest method is to use the dd command. PLEASE BE CAREFUL – dd is often nicknamed disk destroyer because it will happily overwrite any data you tell it to, including the stuff you wanted to keep if you make a mistake typing the command!

To fill the file with all zeros simply run this command:

So for the above file you would run:

If you want to fill it with random data instead just swap /dev/zero for /dev/urandom or /dev/random in the command:

Dmg file pc

Format and mount the virtual volume


Next up we need to give the volume a filesystem. You can either do this via the command line or using a graphical tool. I’ll show you an example of both.

From the terminal you would run the appropriate mkfs command on the file. As an example this will format the file above using the ext3 filesystem:

You may get a warning that looks like this

Simply type the letter ‘y’ and press Enter. With any luck you’ll see a bunch of text telling you exactly what happened and you now have a file that is formatted with ext3!

If you would rather do things the graphical way you could use a tool like Disks (gnome-disk-utility) to format the file.

From the menu in Disks, select Disks -> Attach Disk Image and browse to your newly created file (i.e. MyDrive.img).

Be sure to uncheck “Set up read-only loop device”. If you leave this checked you won’t be able to format or write anything to the volume. Select the file and click Attach.

This will attach the file, as if it were a real hard drive, to your computer:

Next we need to format the volume. Press the little button with two gears right below the attached volume and click Format. Make sure you do this for the correct ‘drive’ so that you don’t accidentally format your real hard drive!

From this popup you can select the filesystem type and even name the drive. You may also use the “Erase” option to write zeros to the file if you wanted to do it here instead of via the terminal as shown previously. In the image above the settings will format the drive using the ext4 filesystem. Click Format, confirm the action and you’re done. Disks will format the file and even auto-mount it for you. You can now copy files to your mounted virtual drive. When you’re done simply eject the drive like normal or press the square Stop button in Disks. To use that same volume again in the future just re-attach the disk image using the steps above.

To mount the formatted file from the terminal you will need to first create a folder to mount it to. Let’s say we wanted to mount it to the folder /media/MyDrive. First create the folder there:

Next mount the file to the folder:

Now you can copy files to the drive just like before. When you’re finished unmount the volume by running this command:

Create Dmg File On Linux Windows 10

And there you have it. Now you know how to create virtual volume files that you can use for just about anything and easily move from computer to computer.